How can I get APA 7th into EndNote?

How can I use APA 7th in EndNote? I need to use APA 7th as my citation format in MS Word.


APA 7th is newer than the last version of EndNote. Fortunately, you can download and install the new format from the EndNote website at:

Simply enter your search term (APA 7th) to find the file to download. 

When you double click to open the file, make sure it opens with the EndNote app. You'll see an overview of the new Output style (i.e. APA 7th). Select File > Save As and remove "copy" from the suggested name to simply save the file as "APA 7th."

When you go to select a style, now, you should see APA 7th on the list of options. 

Next time you're in MS Word, you'll be able to select APA 7th from the styles listed on the EndNote toolbar ribbon.


  • Last Updated Feb 05, 2021
  • Views 75
  • Answered By Alison Rollins

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