How do I search USU Theses and Dissertations?

How are theses and dissertations submitted to the Archives? 


The USU Archives maintains an online collection of USU theses, dissertations, and DNP projects. The collection includes USU theses and dissertations from 1981, when the University began granting graduate degrees, through today.  The collection includes over 150 theses and dissertations from the Graduate School of Nursing and over 500 from the School of Medicine.  Also included are theses from the USU Postgraduate Dental College, which was established in 2010. As theses and dissertations are completed each year, the Archives adds those documents to the online collection.

The online collection can be searched here. The collection may be restricted to users with a USU SSO account. To view these collections click on the "USO SSO Login" button. For more help, view a tutorial on navigating the digital repository. If you have any questions, please contact the USU Archives.

  • Last Updated May 18, 2021
  • Views 68
  • Answered By Megan Sunday

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