How do I access a specific book, journal, journal article, or other resource?

How do I access [insert title of resource]?

Do we have access to [insert title of resource]?

How to find [insert title of resource]?

Access books, journals, articles, textbooks?

How do I find if you have a book?

How do I find if you have a journal?

How do I find if you have [insert title of resource]?

How do I find a specific publication?


Use PowERsearch to locate books, journals, journal articles, and other resources the LRC offers.

  1. Sign into the LRC website (see Link below).
  2. Click PowERsearch or type your search into the box and click Search.
  3. This will open a new browser tab to PowERsearch. Click Sign in in the upper right corner and sign in once again with your USU-SSO account.
  4. Search for your desired resource.

If you would like to ask about a specific resource, please email us at


hidden keywords

journal article review edition

author title

case files

psychiatry anesthesiology radiotherapy



  • Last Updated May 03, 2024
  • Views 123
  • Answered By Arthur Liu

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